Specialized legal translation in Iran is in the highest demand because most international contract, commercial agreements, judicial decisions and many others are written in legal language.The translation of legal texts requires having legal knowledge, so always try to do the legal translation professionally so as not to cause any harm.
Legal Language
Legal language refers to the language related to laws and legal issues. The term is like a type of registration, that is, a variety of languages used for different issues and situations, and in this case, a variety of languages appropriate for the legal context. As Peter M. Tiersma said, “Legal language has been called an argot, a dialect, a register, a style, and even a separate language. In fact, it is best described with the relatively new term sublanguage.
A sublanguage has its own specialized grammar, a limited subject matter, contains lexical, syntactic, and semantic restrictions, and allows “deviant” rules of grammar that are not acceptable in the standard language. However we describe it, legal language is a complex collection of linguistic habits that have developed over many centuries and that lawyers have learned to use quite strategically.” (1999, p.142)
What Makes Legal Language Difficult?
The difficulty of languages in translation comes from the legal and juridical differences of different cultures and nations.The legal language has expanded its features to meet the demands of the legal system expressed in it.
The legal translation differs from other types of translation due to its universal feedback. This means that legal translations are unique. Each legal language reflects a specific culture and history. One of the reasons why legal language is difficult to understand is its difference from ordinary languages. In legal conventions, written language varies, as do provisions, which often have different structures.
Linguistic Features of Legal Language
Due to the nature and function of law, legal language needs specific linguistic features such as vocabulary and alignment to meet legal requirements. Such linguistic features have profound implications for legal translation. If we examine the language of law in general, common and distinct language features can be identified in different legal languages. The features of these languages appear in the form of vocabulary, syntax, pragmatics and style. Legal language is full of valuable words, using formal language to describe strings of common words with unusual meanings and overly difficult words.
One of the common syntactic features of legal languages is a formal and impersonal style that is linked to complexity and longevity. Complex structures, passive voice, multiple negations and propositional expressions are widely used in legal language.
Another practical measure in legal texts is ambiguity and uncertainty which are mainly found in laws and contracts. Legal writings are characterized by an impersonal style, with extensive use of declarative sentences that state rights and obligations.
The nature of legal language, as stated earlier, is complex and difficult to translate. There are many reasons for this. In general, the complexity and difficulty of legal translation comes from the nature and language used by the law and of course the related differences in intercultural and interlinguistic communication. As Cao (2007, p.142) suggests, “The legal language is identified and linked with the normative, written and technical nature of language”. Source link: ترجمه تخصصی حقوقی