Comprehensive list of English terms for everything from parts of the body to common illnesses, aches and ailments - and their French equivalents. Teaching medical terminology in French introduces the type of disease and practical sentences in French. Of course, to learn any language, you have to learn specialized conversation in different situations so that you can express your basic needs correctly, for example, express your physical and mental condition in the doctor's office in French. In this article, we will teach you 140 words of French medicine that describe diseases, various organs of the body, emergencies and common expressions in the office.
How does medical terminology in French help you?
Why do medical words and phrases in French help you? In addition to the fact that the use of these terms and words makes you a cultured, educated and worldly person, but you can speak French fluently, I think there are other reasons for this question:
If you encounter an emergency during the trip: The risk of an accident is inevitable, so it is important to always be prepared for what will happen to you, a friend or a family member or even a stranger.
اگر نیاز به خدمات ترجمه فرانسوی به فارسی به صورت کاملا تخصصی در زمینه پزشکی را دارید ما این خدمات را به نحو احسن انجام می دهیم.
Useful sources of medical terms in French
International Association of Medical Aid for Travelers: This non-profit website contains a treasure trove of useful resources for those who are interested in travel and want to be safe and informed.
Angelo French Terminology Association: The Angelo French Terminology Association offers medical courses for native French speakers.
French emergency numbers: No, 911 is not an international emergency number. If you travel to France, take the time to get to know the essential phone numbers.
English / French Medical Dictionary: This dictionary has a vast treasure trove of 12,000 words in medical terms. Such a book is necessary to understand medicine or public health care.
When you are injured or sick
!Au secours! — Help
Aidez-moi — Help me
J’ai eu un accident — I had an accident
J’ai besoin d’une ambulance — I need an ambulance
J’ai besoin d’un médecin — I need a doctor
!J’ai mal! — I’m in pain
Je ne vais pas bien — I am not well
?Où est-ce qu’on peut trouver un cabinet médical? — Where can one find a doctor’s office
Different parts of the body
Amygdale (f) — tonsil
Bouche (f) — mouth
Bras (m) — arm
Cheville (f) — ankle
Coeur (m) — heart
Cou (m) — neck
Coude (m) — elbow
Dents (f) — teeth
Doigt (f) — finger
Dos (f) — back
Épaule (f) — shoulder
Estomac (m) — stomach
Foie (m) — liver
General medical terms
Aide-soignant (m) — orderly
Ambulance (f) — ambulance
Assurance (f) — insurance
Blessure (f) — injury
Bleu (m) — bruise
Cabinet médical (m) — doctor’s office
Carnet de santé (m) — medical record
Diagnostic (m) — diagnosis
Médecin (m) — doctor
Radiographie (f) — x-ray
Salive (f) — saliva
Trousse de premiers secours (f plural) — first-aid kit
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