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An overview of the history of emergence of the Arabic language in the world

The history of the Arabic language is rooted in the family of Semitic languages. The first historical signs of the Arabic language appeared around 2000 BC. However, it was still used as a common language among the tribes of that era until around the 5th century AD. Today, the Arabic language is divided into 3 categories. Modern Arabic (modern Arabic language), Classical Arabic (Quranic Arabic language) and Colloquial Arabic (Arabic language in the societies of Arab countries). Arabic language is currently spoken in about 27 countries of the world and today it is one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations.

In Arabic, it is also called the language of Al-Zaad. If you are interested in the history of the Arabic language in the world and its differences and similarities with the Persian language, we suggest you read this complete article to the end. It should be noted that this article will be completed over time. So stay with us.

Arabic language
Arabic language

Learn more about the origin of the Arabic language

Arabic is spoken today by more than 480 million speakers around the world and is a native language in the countries of the Arab League. Since it has the sixth rank among the leading languages ​​of the world, it has gained a lot of popularity among languages ​​in different countries. Today, Arabic is the official language in some countries, including Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Sudan, Syria, etc. Although the Arabic language has existed for thousands of years, it is believed that its main origin is in the Arabian island. The Arabs of that time were nomadic tribes, also known as nomads. Some believe that the word Arab is derived from the word nomads. The origin of the Arabic language is from the Semitic language family; Therefore, today's Arabic language is derived from the Semitic language.

The historical spark of Arabic language started from Quraysh tribe in Mecca. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the members of the Quraysh tribe were among those who spoke classical Arabic. Later, modern Arabic was derived from this classical Arabic and many Arab communities introduced it as a standard Arabic language.

The spread of the Arabic language was due to the many travels of nomadic tribes from the Arabian Peninsula to other places. On the other hand, marriage between Arabs and different groups made this language more and more known.

Learn more about types of Arabic language

As briefly stated in the introduction of this article, the Arabic language will be divided into 3 categories: modern Arabic language, classical Arabic language and colloquial Arabic language. We explain these 3 types more fully in this section.

Modern Standard Arabic language

If you are interested in getting to know information about news, newspapers and political events in Arab-speaking countries and in general you want to be in the modern Arab society and somehow get access to official and literary writings. You should learn Modern Standard Arabic with the abbreviation MSA.

Classical (Qur'anic) Arabic

If you are interested in studying and learning Arabic from the past and are so called interested in medieval studies, you should learn classical Arabic. The classical Arabic language will be in the holy book of the Qur'an, the religious books of Islam and many jurisprudential and scientific texts.

Colloquial Arabic language

If you plan to travel to Arab countries or want to live there and communicate with Arab-speaking people, you should improve your skills in learning colloquial Arabic. It is interesting to know that this language has different dialects, each dialect belonging to a specific region. For example, some dialects such as Gulf Arabic, Mesopotamian Arabic, Levantine Arabic, Egyptian Arabic and Maghrebi Arabic.

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